It was one of the most awesome camps i've ever been to ! it was really relaxing and we did very few activities, just that the duration of the activities were longer and it was more tiring. We did river trekking (which helped quite a lot since i was studying rivers for geog), mountain climbing (gunung arong, i think :/), water obstacles, rafting in a lotus pond, rice plantation, etc. and our tent was like a palace compared to the one i had in OBS. It was an eight men tent and i only had 3 other fellow sufferers in there! Meixi, Trini and Chermaine. It was really fun, but there were like a million houseflies there, i swear! They were like coming at us in colonies and it was really terrifying and disturbing. :/ The camp helped me appreciate Singapore a lot more, as usual, but this camp was different from previous ones in many ways. Like, we camped in an organic rice farm, instead of the wild. We ate healthy organic food for all our meals and we did rice plantation there! :) And for the first time in my seventeen years on planet Earth, I actually saw dragon fruits hanging off their parent plant! :) and it was a really pretty sight because there was dew on the leaves, which were waxy, and the flowers are really pretty. And there were many dragonflies flittering around! :) i like.
I had many virgin experiences in this camp, all were memorable. :) It was the first time i climbed a mountain, the first time i planted rice, the first time i had a leech on my leg, the first time i walked in a river, the first time i had to escape from a flash flood, the first time i went into a toilet with plants and insects in it, the first time i saw a million stars all together at once! :) the first time i slept in an eight man tent, the first time i walked in a rubber plantation, in the day and at night, the first time i was so close to a lotus, the first time i dropped a camera into a muddy pond, first time i found a camera in a pond (thank god!), How awesome is that ? Anyway, as usual, i took a thousand pictures. But all of them are with Joshua, who is like M.I.A ! The photos are really pretty! i'll upload them when i do get them. xoxo !
the padi field!

our lavatories

Kluang-didas (y'know like addidas)

there was a rainbow up there !

Our team, Wonder Women, and some men

The postcard worthy sunset

Chan and I

We are photo crashers!

Tent-mates! (where is Chermaine?!)

Jumpshots! :)

Uncle Sut, the jungle man!

At the summit! that's like my half-smile.


Awesome scenery!

Crossing over from one jungle to another, in Singapore, I bumped into Madeline when i went to see the doctor! Ohemmgeee, how i miss that girl. She was so sweet! :) We have to meet up soon! All of 2 Humility, i do check the blog like monthly for updates and stuff. I think i'm gonna ask for the passwords and stuff, so i can blog there too ! I miss 2Hum ttm ! All our crazy fun and laughter, please meet up soon!