It's 5 more days to my H1 papers !

I digress. I was reading Dan Brown's Angels and Demons in school the other day (such irony bringing an apparently 'anti-christ' book to a catholic school), when a friend commented that she hates Dan Brown because, and I quote, ".. he exploits Christianity and says bad things about it.." In Brown's defense, I think she says that because she has only heard about what others have said about the book and she hasn't read it yet. In the early part of the book, there is some attacking and demeaning of Christianity. However, towards the end, the Pope in the novel defends Christianity, and I must say, quite well. I still prefer the Davinci Code !
Anyhow, after reading another one of Dan Brown's book, I've realised that it's his plots that I adore, not his style of writing. He leaves a lot of knots untied. Okay, shan't spoil it any further for those who haven't read it yet! I just read a commentary on the movie by one of the cast members, he said he hated the book and Brown's writing, but he found the script so much more enticing, so he took the role. Artists, take pride in their work and hold their beliefs strong.
P/s am watching it tonight !
:( why only photos with me inside cannot be seen? :..(.
Hahahaha ! No la, i was just kidding !
I put this picture up because i am studying in the background ! The next post will be of you already ! :)
Pass you your thumbdrive tmr k ?
Lurbex chewzx ttm ! :)
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